Welcome to the web site of the Camarillo White
Horse Association. The Association is almost 20 years old now and
the purpose is to record and maintain the lineage of the historic
breed of famous Camarillo White Horses. Founded by the white
stallion, Sultan, purchased by Adolfo Camarillo in 1921, these
horses can trace their ancestry back close to 90 years now.
The Association also has
an informative booklet available for anyone interested in these
horses. Please
here for more information.
The tally is in! Out of 10 foals born, 7 are
white. 4 fillies and three colts. A very successful
year! This high has been punctuated with a very sad low. On
July19th, long time caretaker of the white horses and outstanding
horseman, Meliton Ortiz, passed away with his family at his side.
He was 91 years young. "Mellie", as he was called, spent most
of his life involved with the Camarillo White Horses. First
working for Adolfo Camarillo on his ranch and becoming the ranch
foreman, then later continuing on in that position under Adolfo's
daughter, Carmen Camarillo Jones, until her death in 1987. Her
will specified the horses be dispersed at auction so an era came to
an end. That did not stop Mellie's involvement with the
horses, however, as the new owners continued to seek his advice
regarding the care and breeding of the horses. Mellie will be
sorely missed and all the members of the CWHA extend our condolences
and best wishes to his family in this difficult time.
We would like to give special thanks to Humphrey, Giacopuzzi
Veterinary Hospital for providing such wonderful care of the
Camarillo White Horses all these years, especially most recently for
collecting and preserving our stallions to guarantee the longevity
of the breed and for all their work and assistance in our breeding
program. They have been providing care for the Camarillo White
Horses since the days when they were on the Camarillo Ranch.
Last updated 7/25/10
About the CWHA
The Camarillo White Horse Association
was founded in 1992 with the sole purpose to preserve and maintain
the historic bloodlines of the original foundation Camarillo White
Horse, the white
stallion Sultan. The Association was formed when it became
apparent that the historic breed of horse so carefully bred and
developed by Adolfo Camarillo and subsequently carried on by
Adolfo's daughter, Carmen Camarillo Jones, was in danger of
extinction. As these horses are almost exclusively found in
Ventura County, CA, it was imperative to bring the owners together to
encourage the continuation of these horses that were for so long
exclusively owned by the Camarillo family. Since the founding
of the Association, there have been several white foals produced to carry
on the lineage. Seven foals were born in 2008 -- four white colts, one grey colt, one bay filly and one
chestnut filly. This year, 2010, brings a very large crop of
foals and several white foals so far -- three colts and four fillies,
with two solid colts -- one bay and one chestnut. There are still
two more mares yet to give
birth, so the total of white foals for this year may be higher
still. Stay tuned!
Association encourages its members to breed their white horses to
strengthen the traits of
the Camarillo White Horses while maintaining the image of the
original stallion Sultan, and to also develop and preserve a horse
suitable for not only general riding, driving, etc. but which will
step proudly down a parade route. The Association’s motto is,
"Breed for conformation and pray for a white foal."